Saturday, March 22, 2008


well quite a few things have got me thinking lately.
like whoever wrote that comment. not in a bad way to let you know. [thanks for that]
and some songs.
and tonight.

last year i remember when my mom got confirmed.
i was totally not into the whole idea, because she kind of just popped this up on us.
but throughout this past year i have learned to accept it.
and tonight my mom was the one watching new people come into her church, instead of being the one watched.
which i have to admit was pretty cool.

but geez. why am I so judgemental myself?
i have all these things to say about people who judge others, but truthfully im just as bad as them.
it sucks to face the truth.

EASTER is tomorrow.
last year i cried when i read that story that i posted earlier..
i haven't read it this year yet..
but i will.
and i assure you..
tears will fall.

oh and fyi. best friends are awesome. only they will laugh with you at the dumbest things ever.
its quite fun actually :D

oh my.. some songs that are definitely stuck on me right now are:
We Are One Tonight
Innocence Again
Moving On
Nine In The Afternoon

They are all really good songs.
oh yea.. and love me if you can.
great songs actually.

well if i don't write till tomorrow.
[which i highly doubt because im so stupid and unsocial with my own family (how lame can i get?) so i'll probably be on]

Happy Easter!

well till later.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you Hannah.

Hannah said...
