Monday, April 21, 2008

in the cold you look so fierce

I adore six feet under the stars.
and all the bands like all time low.
they are awesome

well i can say now that he has seen me drive :)
pretty nice i have to say. too bad my mom was yelling at me.
hahaha. o well.

yesterday was not to shabby.
we lost our last game 2-0 but i have to say even though everyone else said we sucked.
i saw some good in it.
they are just too blind to see the positive stuff.
that's one of the main reasons i might not be coming back to that team.
but I'm trying to let it go for now and figure it out later.
also, we went to chili's after craving it. but i didn't get my chipolate [doubt i spelled that right] chicken crispers.
o well again.
and i finished So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld.
wonderful book i tell you.

well i seriously gotta go before i punch beka and sarah.
want my shorts? too bad sucka's

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