Saturday, April 5, 2008


there is so much stuff on my mind right now. its driving me insane.

i hate the fact that i said i was going to be completely done with school.. last week.
im stll not done with 2 subjects. yes all i have left is final stuff. but still. im not done.

the fact that im never driving is driving crazy as well. because im 16 and a part.. and i still dont have my license.

im sick of how fast i can spend money. but take so long to make more.

i think i really like a boy. a different boy.

whenever i get really cluttered in the brain. i start to think. and when i think. i tend to dwell on the sad things. which [obviously] make me sad. and i start to get upset/depressed and just dwell on it. i hate it. i watch really good movies [chick flicks. hate that name but i freakin love them], or listen to really good music [tends to be very meaningful] and it gets me upset.
oh same goes for books. flipped by the way is an amazing book. so good. so, SO good.

i really dont know what else to write. just the thoughts that i have already written.

well.. im out on a journey to make my life happier. in order to do so, i am going to forget what has happened in the past, because it makes me upset when i remember some things..
stop worrying about the future, because thats tomorrow not today. and just start living in the moment because if i think about whats either gone or not here yet. i'll be a freak trying to be perfect. knowing i will never be.

by the way..

im sorry to everyone i have ever hurt. i really didn't mean too. i hate it when i upset people or get on their bad side. and i tend to serve out jerkiness. but i'm too much of a wimp to recieve it.
and im sorry for that.

well i seriously i have no idea what else to write so thats it for now.


p.s. the perfect man is one of the best movies ever. just saying.

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