Sunday, May 11, 2008


so definitely..state cup is this weekend.
i leave friday morning. woooooohooooooo.
oh! & mine and maggie's shirt comes in this weekend! :D:D:D
well thats when she's sending it to me :D
dude im stoked!
but i am sick so thats not cool.
my ear has been itchy [i know..sounds weird. well actually feels weird..] and my head is clogged.

today was mother's day.
i made her cookies but of course everyone else at them.
i'll figure out something else for her.
something nice.

hahha so in church today [yea i finally went for the first time in almost a month in a half.. i think] the pastor was like..'woman are hard to understand' or something of the sort, and a guy behind us went..'AMEN!' it was quite hillarious.
oh and of course they had to do the 'mom with the most kids' award.
somebody thought they had it with 8. then they saw my mom.
haha lamos. nope not even. we have 3 more.
lol it was funny me and beka started laughing and i saw yea we beat you.
then a guy in front of us was like.. is he the only one? haha nooo way. 10 girls and 1 boy? i'd shoot myself and i am a girl.
that'd be a nightmare i tell you.
i can't even begin to think how i would live like that.. but i guess it'd be a lot like how i am living right now.

i finally got my parents to watch the ultimate gift. i dont think they got anything out of it though. they kept saying 'this is definitely for *someone that will remain nameless*' i was kinda mad.
but whatever at least they watched it now.

DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! The Italian Job and surround sound. = AMAZING. FREAKIN TIGHT. DUDE IT WAS AWESOME!
yea it was wicked tight. that was some crazy action filled living room of mine. haha it was SO SWEET!
dang i know that im gunna be having a lot more fun with this new sound system. haha

alright well i gotta go to sleep otherwise im gunna be dead in the morning.

oh wait. we went to red lobster today for lunch and some physco woman came in and started whining about how 'that table is reserved'. well woman dont go stealing other peoples tables. retard.
and she was like. we should have gotten that table. talking about ours. and i was like. everyone start eating verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sloooooooooooooooooowwwwwww. it took me about 10 seconds to eat a tiny french fry. haha

ok thats it.


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