Tuesday, June 24, 2008

no more hiding who i wanna be

Who was the last person you threw out of your life? i didnt throw anyone out of my life
Are you wearing socks? nah. barefeet are so much cooler. besides i live in florida
Do you regret something you did yesterday? no
Whats the last thing you ate? popcorn
Last movie you watched in theaters? Prince Caspian
What kind of bottoms are you wearing? green shorts
How many windows are open on your computer? 2
What do you hear right now? paramore
How many hours did you sleep last night? dont know. i dont keep track
Is something bothering you right now? not really
Are you sarcastic? absolutely not ;D
Are you shy? can be, but not around my friends..haha
Are you talkative? yea
Last person you saw besides family? the rod's
Who's the last person you talked on the phone with? dont know
In the past week have you gotten sick? yea. well i felt like hurling.
In the past week have you felt stupid? haha sure
In the past week have you got your hair cut? no
In the past week have you watched cartoons? uhh yea i think
What were you doing at 9 AM this morning? i forget.. i think cleaning and listening to music
In the past week have you felt sad? i got upset. but not really other than that
Has someone disappointed you recently? yea..but hey on the bright side there are people that made me super happy :D
Do you have plans for this weekend? possibly :)
Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions? some.
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? sure. you get to know that person all the better
Last thing you said aloud? i dunno. it was part of a song..
What do you want to name your kids? for girls.. madyson, emma, isabella. boys..seth, slater, cameron, hayden
If you could pack up and move, would you? nah. life is good
What is one thing you have learned lately? that my true friends are the ones that matter
What person in your family are you the most like? i dont know..everyone in different ways i gues
Have you ever had your heart broken? not by a guy.. but by friends.
Do you hate when people smoke around you? yes. it makes me sick
Who did you sit with at lunch today? my family
What does the last text message in your Inbox say? i dont text
Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? ^
Name something that made you smile today? music :)
Can you name a quote from the song you are listening to? hands clapping, hips shaking, hearts breaking, theres no faking what you feel when your on a roll.
Whats the closest thing to you thats liquid? water
Strawberry Milkshake or a Banana Pancakes? banana pancakes
Burger King or Wendy's? wendy's
What time is it? 6:01
Where is your best friend/s right now? i dont know. at their houses and camp i guess
Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?Paris
Who else is in the room with you? no one
In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies? hoodies.
How long can you go without your mobile phone? i dont have one
Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? WHAT is up with all the freakin TEXTING?
Whats your relationship with the person you last texted? ....
What are your plans for today? i hung out with sarah
When was your last day of school? dont know i was out wayyy early.
Do you have a flip or slide phone? not
Have you ever played hard to get? uh no.
Who is the last person you shared a bed with? i dont know..
Have you ever broken someones heart? i hope not
Do you have an iPod? yea
Do you wish someone would call you right now? sure. since no one does. well ok thats a lie, but i havent talked on the phone in a while with more than 1 person
Who was the last person you stayed up on the phone till 2am? no one
How do you feel about the last person that called you? i dont remember who it was, but if they called me then their awesome :)
Do you have any weird inside jokes? HAHA YESSSS. i like joe's butt..ons
What song are you currently listening to? Gotta Find You - Joe Jonas & his brothers.. :D
What's the worst abuse you have done to your phone? i dont have one
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? of course
Do you personally know anybody who has more than five tattoos? uhhhh dont know. i highly doubt it
Name something you dislike about the day you're having? how bout nothing? lets stay positive
Have you ever kissed in a pool? no
Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? you know what? not anymore because they can go their own ways and i dont care. i have truly real friends that mean more to me then they ever will.
Do you owe anyone money? ha no. they owe me
Will your next kiss be a mistake? that would be stupid. no
When was the last time you cried? dont remember
Where is your biological father right now? driving to soccer
What is bothering you right now? nothing
Have you ever seen anyone get shot? uh on movies and tv..
Where are you? in my dad's office
Does your head hurt? no
Do you like someone right now? yea..
When was the last time you saw your grandpa? last week
Look to your right, what is there? the mouse and a speaker
Have any piercings or tattoos? 1 in each ear
Do you fight with your grandparents often? no.
Where is the shirt you're wearing from? charlotte russe
Have you ever been in a car accident? collisions.. but not bad ones
What are you feeling right now? fine
The thing that was bothering you before, is it still bothering you? NOTHING IS. what is up with all this negative stuff? stupid people.

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