Tuesday, June 17, 2008

well hey

that last post was my 100th..so this is my 101th.

i went to camp on sunday to drop tim off because i wanted to go to camp obviously, and its his first year..anddddd i wanted to see my friends i havent gotten to see since last year.
well.. I GOT TO SEE MY BUDDIES!!!!!!
it was so funny cause when we were driving in the entrance and they have two counselors there to greet you..wellll i guess it's CIT's that they make do that cause it was Anthony and Chris, and then we drove further..and i saw Seth! it was really funny. im like hahaha tim thats them. then we went to the dining hall to check tim in.. and i saw brenden over at a table. and then.. i saw dan!! it was really awesome. i went over to say hey and dan got up when he saw me and gave me a hug after he said i dont know how we're gunna do this. it was hillarious. i swear he's grown so much so my arms were like just barely over his shoulders.. when he bent down. lol anyways.. i saw them! it made my day so sosososososoosoooooo amazing. :D
then i brought tim over to meet them, and wow.. those boys are insane.. they were telling him to write his name on one side and then his full name on the other side. and they told me how they were telling some kid to do that. like on one side write what you wanna be called and the other side your full name.. brenden was like. so if you wanna be called noodle you put noodle, then when the kid was done, they were like alright let me see it.. the kid wrote NOODLE. hahahah it was freaking hillarious.
then we just talked for a while, and dan asked about how my team did in state since i told him about that. it was fun just seeing them though. i was definitely stoked.
oh and then Mickey saw me and she took me to her office to check when i was coming, and she set me for the last 2 weeks of girls and then next to my name for co-ed week, she put a huge red YES, basically saying that if they need someone for that week she'll contact me. but i was the only one with that big red YES. ! :D hahaha im so STOKED!!!!
i really really wanna go co-ed week though, cause thats an extra week of camp! and its sooner!!!!
wow ok. so that was definitely the best day ever. :D:D:D:D:D

then later that day we had a father's day party. it was weird though because tim wasnt there, he was at camp! lol
yesterday was.. boring lol i wrote some letters though.
today im hoping to get some stuff for camp even though i highly doubt that i will get too.. :( o well. it better be soon cause its for camp and if i get to go in 2 weeks then i NEED to have that stuff.
I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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