Thursday, August 28, 2008

must have done something right

IM GOING TO SEE RELIENT K AND SWITCHFOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so today was good :)
i had school, then i went to the bakery with mom and renee, they talked, and i had a smoothie while i studied and worked on my honors project. blahhh but whatever i was out of the house.
oh and while doing so.. i was listening to my right now playlist and its totally relient k with a touch of hawk nelson at the moment. haha :D
WAIT! wit's all been done before!
SUCH A GOOOOOOOD SONG!! and i get to see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DO YOU KNOW HOW INCREDIBLY STOKED I AM TO SEE MY FAVORITEST BAND...EVER?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you should be able to tell that the answer would be INCREDIBLY stoked.

but yea today was good. i had practice too anddddd that went well i got to watch the boys comp team too. they are getting better and better.

yeaaaaaa so i got a job for this weekend. i'll be making 8 dollars an hour and working 11 hours.. you do the math.
it'll be cool though cause im working for the tournament. so i'll be surrounded by soccer.

ok dont get my wrong on this.. but i think im getting more interested in soccer again. like more interested in swimming..
im a freak.
i have alllll these stupid phases and they dont last that long.
but hey i dont know yet.
we'll see.
but im definitely playing school soccer. even if i have to work my butt off for it.
i will play.

alright well thats it.
sooooooooo BYE.

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