Sunday, November 23, 2008

i can't breath without you but i have to

so this past week was pretty awesome.. :D
i'll start from tuesday..

we played melbourne and lost 2-0 which was the downside of this week along with the fact that a girl on melbourne clipped both of my ankles which are pathetically messed up now and my back started to really hurt that night. i was reading on my stomach, then i was trying to get up and it hurt madly to even try.

wednesday all i really did was school and went to practice but i didn't practice because my back hurt way too much.

thursday i had school in the morning and then we played cocoa that night. we slaughtered them, but i only got to play about 15 minutes because it hurt to run and jump and what not.
twilight came out that night at midnight and i was originally gunna go see it saturday but i forgot i already had plans.. so me, beka, and beka's co-worker's daughter, megan, went with us. it was INCREDIBLE!!!!! i wanna see it again SO bad!

friday i did school then went to practice but once again didn't practice because of my back. then we stayed for the guys game against westshore. jv lost 2-0 but varsity won 3-1. the varsity game was great except for the refs. they sucked big time. jv though.. im not really sure what was going on. they had a few good plays but they were just off that night.

yesterday i went to the retreat for youth group with sarah at 9 in the morning. i was kinda debating on whether i really wanted to go or not. i mean i knew it would be fun, but i was so involved with soccer and twilight at the moment that i didnt want to give it up. but it was totally worth it. it was so much fun. :) unfortunately though... i was in major pain the whole time, and it turns out it was my ribs, not my back that was hurting me so bad.

then today... we all sat in church together because the retreat was over night. then i went home and to target. and basically chilled out all day. i was reading then i fell asleep because i was so tired. i've been kind of out of it today for the later half of the day.
oh and i just looked it up on the internet.. but it sounds like i might have cracked a couple ribs. thats why its hurting me so bad.
the best thing for me is to just rest them. so im probably not going to be able to play tuesday against t-ville. but i guess its not that bad since its not one of the better teams.

alright well thats all. i gotta wake up some more.

peace out.

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