Wednesday, November 19, 2008


so i am absolutely estatic about twilight coming out. beka and i are going to see it saturday, which means me = super stoked. :)
the book is incredible. im still not done because i've been doing school or at least trying to get school done. so i have a reason. [that and soccer] but im almost done and i assure you when im finished, im attacking the second book. beka is already on the fourth and she started.. saturday i think?
their THAT good.
woo i never knew vampires would be so intreging.
im telling you. these books are so good.
i usually hate to follow the bandwagon of trends, but after forever hearing about how good these are... uh yea.. they live up to those words. actually they live past those words.

so.. i reccomend you to read these books, even if you dont like vampires. you will LOVE them after twilight. :)

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