Sunday, December 21, 2008

i hate christmas parties...

just kidding. they're fun. i wonder why relient k hates them..?

tonight i went to two christmas parties.
one for soccer and one for youth group. both were lots of fun with people i love hanging out with. so i was easily pleased.
however.. i am sick and that is not fun.
hopefully this will pass over by christmas eve. cause i do not want to be sick on christmas.

you can see that life is pretty good.
in addition to those things..
in english all i have left for this semester is my final. which i'll be doing tomorrow. so im happy about that.
i have a little bit more left in my other classes but its no big deal. im almost done! :D

tomorrow is december 22. that means 3 days left until christmas. are you prepared?!
i don't think i am. but we'll see.



Anonymous said...

how can you write a so cool blog,i am watting your new post in the future!

Anonymous said...

Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!

Anonymous said...
