Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I know you may be thinking that this is a little late.. but have you heard of the 12 days of christmas?
I do hope that everyone's Christmas was great :)
Mine definitely was.
probably one of the most fun one's as well.

Christmas Eve i went to midnight mass with my mom. I tried to be really interested in it, but i was so tired i kept yawning..
but it was still good.
i went to bed after i got home, and im pretty sure i didnt have trouble falling asleep. haha FINALLY!
thennnn Christmas morning i woke up around.. 8:30 i think. i had to wait around for a while after i brushed my teethers cause people had to get dressed. uhh yea i was still in my warm up pants and a t-shirt. im lazy :)
thennnn when we got onto the present part.. i gottttt.......

as well as Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants set [both movies and the first book], Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 [yea i got it twice], Prince Caspian, a sewing tote, a ribbon organizer, volcom shorts, o'neill shorts, an 'H' made by mary, hackysack, volcom shirt, matt maher shirt and his cd :D
it was a good Christmas, especially since i wasn't really expecting a lot of great stuff. in fact I wasn't expecting a whole lot. but it seems like i did. even if numbers aren't high.
it was a great Christmas.

for dinner the robinson's, tim wilder, and the usual family came over. it was good. i got full after a plate of food. crazy i know. i think it was because of all the food i had shoved down my throat before that.. hahaha o well!
i didn't feel too good after that though. lol
um after a while when everyone except for the Robinson's had left, we played apples to apples. wow. how i LOVE that game. :)
it was rediculous. after a while a bunch of people dropped out, and then adam and aly came, and aly joined in. soo much fun.
then guess who comes over....Danny. that was rediculously funny.
his dad decided to join us too as sarah, danny, becca, and everyone go who knows where. [stealing my beef jerky, that's where!]
it was really funny though. cause i thought my mom and dad would have flipped, but nah. they were good about it.
Danny ended up giving sarah a necklace.. from Zales.
and then he gave my parents chocolate covered pretzals.
dang. that kid is nuts.
and trying realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll hard.
o well. its actually pretty impressive.
anyways.. then everyone except adam and aly left, and we cleaned up and they opened presents.
fun, but so tiring.
i tried to sleep after they left, but i couldn't dang. i least i fell asleep for Christmas.

well, hope you all had a great Christmas yourselves.



Anonymous said...

lol,so nice

Anonymous said...

Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am

still tempted to say: really good!
Personalized Signature:面对面视频游戏,本地棋牌游戏,本地方言玩游戏,打麻将,玩掼蛋,斗地主,炸金花,玩梭哈