Thursday, December 18, 2008

silly things we say..

asia: What??
are you going crazy??

me: haha no
just into the music.
and the cookie dough...

i sound like a PIG. o well it sure was good cookie dough.
besides.. i'll run it off tomorrow against viera!

oh wait.. i just got some more..

Asia: Hey, I have to go. Dishes, chocolate cake, and my mommy are waiting for me.
But I can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Me: darnit!

a little late reaction on the chocolate cake. but seriously. CHOCOLATE CAKE??!?! i guess i should just be content with my cookie dough. haha.
after all it was double chocolate chip [semi-sweet and white chocolate 8) oh and for your information.. that was a very wide-eyed guy]

alright well all is said and done. until something else is said.. or done.


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