Monday, December 29, 2008

someday we'll know why the sky is blue

so i just read past posts.. and dang.
im a dork.

uh so..
yesterday i ran almost 2 miles, and today i bike for half and hour.
im getting ready for my new year resolutions.
one of which is doing some kind of aerobic activity 5-7 days a week.
i need it badly.

umm aside from that.
its really boring here because i've been doing school. which is incredibly boring.
did you know?

upside of the boringness. i can get out of the house and possibly even off premises.
that is if i have a bike, and preferably my ipod, and probably my phone just in case i HAVE to come home.
anywho.. it's nice getting out away from the house. especially in this weather.
who said that a hot winter was a bad thing?
sure disappointing because it wont be cold for Christmas.
but seriously. look on the bright side of it.
its a beautiful day to get out and see the world.

fgahhhhh, my brain feels like its going to melt;
im that intensely bored because of school.
save me!

i would love to do something for new years;
so talk to me if you have lovely plans that include yours truly. [that'd be me for all you slow pokes].

welp im out;



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