Friday, January 2, 2009

dark blue, dark blue, have you ever been alone in a crowded room?


umm to start off the year badly is not such a good sign.
but after reading what i just wrote.. it doesn't matter how it starts.. it's how it ends that matters.

anyways.. i was doing really well in math, well pretty good anyway. and then i took my final and i didn't do so hot.
i freaked because if i didnt get perfect scores on stuff that hadn't been graded yet. i wouldn't get an A. to me i HAVE to get an A. i mean a B is good. but an A is what i get. i HAVE to get an A.
i just checked after being completely upset and freaking out that i got a B.. i got an A. barely. but i got an A.

Thank you God.

I know that sounds completely pathetic to be that wound up about a grade. and a good grade at that. but i really didnt want to get a B.

it's a problem of mine.


2009 started out good for the most part.
I spent the night at Asia's and dang. that was SO much fun.
here are a couple pictures from it:

it was a ton of fun.

to kick off the new year we watched the sisterhood of the traveling pants 2. i LOVEEEEEEEEE that movie! :) thank you christmas for that. haha

oh and the new year started off pretty crazy too. i was playing tennis on the wii. anddd.. well i got really really into it.. and i ended up falling on my knee and now it feels like i bruised my bone. yea im nuts. hahahah

ummm so besides all that. i have a few songs that are completely on my mind at the moment.. they are:

Dark Blue - Jack's Mannequin; Someday We'll Know - Jon Foreman & Mandy Moore; Do You Remember - Jack Johnson; Leave A Light On - Matt Maher.

I'm sure there are others. but i just cant think of them at the moment.

well that's all for now. i should really get some sleep now.

so with that..



Anonymous said...

Very good!

Anonymous said...

Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am

still tempted to say: really good!
Personalized Signature:面对面视频游戏,本地棋牌游戏,本地方言玩游戏,打麻将,玩掼蛋,斗地主,炸金花,玩梭哈

Anonymous said...
