Tuesday, January 13, 2009

just because everythings changing, doesn't mean it's never been this way before.

soooooo.. life is really good right now. like great.

  • we have two games left in the school season which we have a pretty good chance at winning tonight, and if we don't win thursday.. welll...thats just sad.
  • i have incredible friends that i have actually gotten to hang out with lately.
  • school is going good, and im not too freaked out about 3 college classes this semester.
  • there is a possibility that i will overcome my super shyness.. and i mean a big possibility.

im gunna miss this season of school soccer...

because first, this year was great, i had a great team with a lot of awesome girls, and my best friend was on it with me. :) Also, one of my other best friends, and another great friend are graduating.. it's awesome to see what they have accomplished, but im sad that i wont get to play with them again next year. And last, i have seen this more mature side of me on the field with those girls, and i know it wont go away unless i let it get away, but believe me i wont. it's just cool because i am a captain and next year i probably wont be, i mean theres the possibility of it happening, but there are many people that could get it instead of me anyways.. but whatever, i dont really care.

ah man.. but yea this year has started out great, and so many awesome things have already begun to happen.

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