Monday, January 19, 2009

remember the name

soooooo i think that running is definitely something i HAVE to keep doing.
if i dont.. i fail.
easy as that.

well ok. that sounds a bit harsh..
i don't stay in shape and then when i try and run again.. it doesn't work out so easily.
i lose my breath too easily and i dont feel good afterwards.
uhhh im gunna keep running.

i watched 'gracie' last night.
that totally got me into my soccer determination again.
i mean seriously..
watch the movie. it will change the way you look at soccer.
well playing soccer.. for a reason.
it will make you want it all the more, and you will be so determined that you wont stop at anything. you will keep going until everything follows you.
nothing can hold you back, unless you decide that you're gunna do that to yourself.
foolish choice for those who make it.

something else that will get your determination up and running is the story of how clint dempsey really became pro.
when he was younger, his brother was trying out for a really good team, and it turns out that the coaches saw him playing too, and decided that they wanted him. but.. his sister was 16 and about to go professional playing tennis. she gave up that dream of hers so that clint could play soccer professionally. she ended up dying from a brain aneurysm. he made up his mind that he was going to play for her. just like gracie played for her brother.
seriously. go watch the movie. read his story. it will change your mind on something you think you might give up on.

my story..
after michael phelps won his 8th gold medal this past summer in beijing.. my grandpa died. i decided that that might be the worst possible thing ever. i couldn't stand the fact that that might have happened. unfortunately i had to deal with the truth that it did happen. i hated it.
i couldnt really even begin to fathom the idea that he died. it didn't seem real.
but after i realized that it was in fact, true..i decided that if i continue to dread the fact that it was true, i wouldn't get anywhere in life. so thats when i decided that after michael phelps defeated all of his opponents to win 8 gold medals, i could do whatever i wanted if i was determined. and just like gracie and clint dempsey, i was gunna go for something i really wanted for something i really love. so i decided i was gunna play highschool soccer for my grandpa. before then i wasn't going to because of a lot of people that gave me crap during comp. they made me so mad and i put into my head that i wouldn't play with them. but then i changed my mind, but this time i wasn't gunna play for me with them. i'd play for grandpa.
i ended up making only jv, but ya know what? thats not too bad. i made captain with one of my best friends and i had a great season. i even scored a pretty tight goal. i made some great friends, and i got to be a role model for some awesome girls. hopefully next year i will make varsity, maybe captain if im fortunate enough. i would love that.
so my goal for this year is to become more in shape, and better at soccer so that i will make varsity not just because i will be a senior, but for my talent. i will make it that i can't be turned down.
and all this won't be for me.
but for my grandpa.

there is never anything big enough in your way to stop your from your dreams, that is except yourself.

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