Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All At Once

soooooo i'm on my mom's old laptop.. or my new laptop.
it worked like crap for her. all cluttered up with spam and whatever she had on it. my dad did something to fix that problem cause now it works great for me.
woo hoo! no more overheating crap computer!

um. update time.
i'll start with last friday...

last friday - i went to the jonas brothers movie with rachel and we hung out for a while. it was pretty hillarious. especially when [this was not in the movie] this little guy, like he was shorter than me that's what i mean by little, popped up out of nowhere wanting our tickets. we stared at him for a second before he said, 'oh. sorry if i scared you.' i was just like.. 'it's ok..' [PSYCHO!] and then [this was in the movie] this little spanish guy was talking to the brothers and they asked him something and when he replied.. i swear i was expecting a deep voice. haha no way man. this guy had a squeaky little voice. like a mouse. haha it was rediculous.

saturday - game day! first soccer games of the season started. abby had a really close game and almost scored about 3 times. mary tied 3-3 and had about 3 shots as well. tim won 3-1 and im not sure if he had any shots.. i wasn't there. susannah's game got canceled. sarah lost 3-1 and half her team got injured, and part of them got way mad [for a good reason, i might add.]. my game was canceled as well.
then that night i went to zach's birthday party [surprise party]. it was pretty fun. we played this picture scavenger hunt which was pretty creative/tighttt.

sunday - church at my mom's church. then church at my church. that was tiring.

im listening to this tony oller video [yea i know.. i should be watching it. but its a song nonetheless] and he said..'don't be like simon cowell'
haha sorry i thought that was quite enjoyably funny.

anyways.. sunday was kinda boring. then i had youth group that night. which was fun so that fixed the boring part.

monday - school. gag me. it was way tiring and i dont really recall anything other than going to publix after school and then going home to do homework and online school. then i watched "little people, big world" that night. good stuff man. :) oh yea. and i got my finger slammed in a drawer so my right middle finger has a skinless area which hurts pretty bad.

tuesday/yesterday - astronomy class. soccer practice, got there late because astronomy ran late due to the viewing of a movie that made me start to fall alseep. then i drop my sunglasses and woke up in an instant. then i came home and did my astronomy quiz. then american idol came on so i had to watch that because, yes, i am a fan of that show. you dont like it? o well. its entertaining!

wednesday/today - school. boring yo. tjmaxx and walmart after school. i got a pair of roxy shorts for 14 bucks compaired to 40. niceeeeeeeee. then i asked my mom for the taylor swift dress at walmart [! shocker. i know. it shocked me as well..] she said no. for now. ;) haha
uhhh. was gunna go to the field but ended up getting home past 5, so that didn't work out.
american idol was on tonight which was..whoa. thankfully scott got through. :) so did lil rounds and jorge, which i dont mind cause they are both talented so thats nice. anddddd! they revealed 8 people that they chose to perform yet again and have a second chance at making it through to the top 12. thats crazy intense. thankfully ricky and matt got a second chance. :) i like them. von and anoop too. unfortunately.. they chose tatiana which in my opinion in the biggest baby i have every seen on tv. GET A LIFE CHICK! no one wants to see you get all teary-eyed over something small. it gets old when it really is something big like making it through to the top 12. [Which hopefully isnt the case. i dont care for her voice aside from her annoying personality. i have heard much better.]
so far from the confirmed top 12 finalists, my favorites are..
& scott

i do like jorge but not one of my favorites.
and personally... adam and allison aren't really my style.
i couldnt really heard adam's real voice throughout the screaming. sorry buddy.
and allison..well i dunno, your just not my cup of tea.

alright. i gotta get some sleep before my eyes fall out,.



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