Thursday, May 21, 2009

Darkest Dark Horse

That is what they are calling Kris Allen.
Do I mind?
Not at all.
I am completely ecstatic about him winning.
He deserved it :) [ even if he says he didn't haha.]
So what I am doing is advising you all to go check his music out. NOW! :D
And if you didnt watch the finale with him and Keith Urban singing Kiss A Girl, you reallllllly need to check that out cause it was a brilliant performance!
I really loved that collaboration.
And if Kris Allen goes country.. oh dude. the world is alllll right.
haha :D

so anyways.. my hip just started to feel like it is going to snap in a second. not a good feeling. in fact a very painful one at that.
I dont think i ever did tell you that JT won Survivor. well i am now :) HE DID!!!
this week has been great just because of JT and Kris winning. I am SO happy! :D
it's funny cause they both are really nice guys with good personalities who seriously everyone loves. [and how can you not?! theres not a mean bone in their bodies. not even JT's, although he pretended there was. haha]

i finished chemistry yesterday, that means one class to go, and i should be finished with that really really soon. wahooooooooooo.
wow. i think my hip pain just transferred to my knee. something is wrong here.
whatever.. im pretty much used to piece of crap joints.

oh and i got a job. im a 'mother's helper'. at least thats what mom calls it. basically i help watch some kids. it should be fun.
that means...... i need to get my license. soooo i'm working on it and i should have it soon.
im really happy that i got a job because that means they have to let me get my license without complaining. otherwise they'll be complaining about driving me to MI everyday. hahahahhaha
:) i got what i wanted without knowing it.

welp. i should go, because i have to get ready to babysit for a couple hours. then we have a secret sister party here. then im off to asia's.
therefore. time to go.

peace out!

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