Monday, June 15, 2009

what you thought you need

so i really should be trying to get some sleep now, but i figure now is a great time to write.
so im putting sleep off for a little bit longer [bad decision].

lets start from the beginning..

Wednesday: i got up early and excited to leave for camp, and actually my mom headed out quite promptly. i was surprised in the least. i got a sausage biscuit from MD's. bad choice. it ended up making me sick. when i finally got to camp, or wekiva at least, 'upside down' by jack johnson was playing and im totally content with that. i saw the guys first riding the bikes, then lacey and a few others. when i took my junk to embokpagee, i saw alexis, jensen, and bree at the same time. i asked them who wanted a hug first and alexis no doubt booked it over. haha it was awesome :) i was more than stoked to see them. it's been too long. then i saw rachel when i went to get the rest of my stuff. we live in the same county and yet we have never hung out. something is WAYY wrong with that. we all met in the craft hall and we played the name game, i was starting to get real hungry, so therefore i was hungry hannah. they didn't let me forget it either. haha we played this circle game where there are two circles, and we rotate so we talk to different people, and kyle, one of the guys i met was like 'hungry hannah!' so i said 'haha, yep'. it was funny cause thats how a lot of people knew me as, they didn't call me that constantly [thankfully] but they always knew i was hungry. haha :)
it wasn't until the scavenger hunt that the guys and i started talking. i saw seth before the meeting in the morning, but that was it. i didn't even talk to dan until lunch, other than when he said thanks for holding the door open [that doesn't count], which is crazy in my opinion.
basically thats how the day went, playing games, getting to know people, eating, hanging out, doing whatever.
oh! and me, rachel, alexis, dan, seth, anthony, and brenden, went on a bike ride to the springs after dinner cause we all sat with each other. so much fun except for the fact that the guys lost alexis. hahah we found her though so no worries. and after that we played cards with cards the guys got from wing house. terrible, but so funny. hahahah. i love them.

Thursday: same thing happened in the general sense. we went to meetings and whatnot, but we got a siesta which was much needed, although we didnt even rest during it. haha. instead we played ultimate frisbee which was totally awesome. i was picked last so alexis called me the fat kid that gets picked last. hahah, i really didnt care. but apparently i played better than some other people that got picked before me. mwhahahaha! haha. but seriously, i had these sick catches and scored a few points. pretty tight if i say so myself. which i do. :)
we went to the springs later that day and a bunch of us were playing tag, and im pretty sure i was the first one thanks to dan. that dang fun. it went on foreverrrrrr. it was a pretty epic trip to the springs, there was even this roly-poly mexican kid stalking rachel. lol we moved all around the springs and the kid still followed her leap-frogging. it was freakin hillarious. me and kyle continued to joke about it. haha
oh and my table of crazy awesome friends consisted of... rachel, alexis, me, dan, seth, brenden, anthony, doug, tre, tony [occasionally], and ..ray. hhahahahhaha
it was one awesome table though. we never shut up and we were constantly laughing about LIT or cracking lame jokes. we pretty much rock.
we hit the hermit's cabin [we was my dinner table] and i had never been so i was partially nervous, but it really wasnt freaky at all, although alexis freaked out and when chris jumped out of the bushes she flipped out and pushed my into a stick. i thought it was funny though, so all was well. we came back and watch the rest of the magic game, which totally sucked because i stayed up to watch overtime and they ended up losing. lame. but it was still fun :)
thats all i can remember for now.

Friday: this turned out to be a mock camper day, so basically the day went as it would if the campers were there already. we were all separated at breakfast into 7 different groups, my table sucked. i mean there were ok people there, but it just sucked cause none of my best friends were there. i ended up going to alexis and dan's table after i finished eating. then we were split up into 3 groups, one was all the lifeguards though, so the rest of us made two other groups. dan and doug were in my group so i hung out with them the whole time. basically the most fun of all time. :) they are the goofiest boys i have ever met. and dude, im so proud to know them. haha
on the way back from our second session me and dan talked about camp, and getting honor camper and my huge family. he thought it was crazy how many there are of us, but cool too. thennnnn we ditched each other for the cabin [him], and the dining hall [me]. i figured there was plenty of time until lunch to set up, but not enough to chill, so i set up and other people came to help too. during siesta we played spoons with my markers, and then soccer on the rec field. my team dominated :) me and dan played up most of the time so we had some pretty tight goals.
after that we went to the springs again where i totally saw a roly-poly mexican kid that looked like the stalker, but im not sure if it was. i told kyle later and we just started crackin up. after the springs, dan had to leave to take the act the next morning [5 hour drive is truly insane], so we all said goodbye and finished our snow cones. war ball of course was after that. i played some but got wayy thirsty so chilled and watched it some too. then some of us went swimming before dinner. then we ate, and after dinner they popped the surprise that we were gunna have the great wekiva race, but this time we got to do it instead of the campers. wayyy awesome. i was the speedwalker against ipaige. that turned out awesome. anthony and seth totally ruined the three-legged race for us cause they fell. haha then we got the porch sweet going finally after paige was 3/4 the way there already. i started when she was seriously almost there but then caught up and was behind her by a few seconds. apparently i speedwalk like a demon. :D WAHOOO!! haha it was a compliment i loved! we ended up losing because of other things as well, but it was all in good spirit. and i was still a speedwalking demon. :) haha
that last night we had a bon fire which was awesome. most of everyone hung out there and we had smores and listened to music. 'get it shawty' was on which was our LIT song, so dude.. we were stoked to hear that! at around 9 rachel, brenden, and i hit the dining hall where the red wings were playing in the stanley cup. red wings are john's favorite team so that was important for him. after a little bit into it, we went down the hermit's cabin again but with a bunch more people, that was freaking hillarious, because rachel, brenden and i walked ahead of some people but behind some of the guys so we threw sticks to freak the people behind us out. hillarious. when we were there seth jumped out at us, but we were like, uhh yea a little late, their in front of us. so freakin funny! but then i think it was kyle r, he jumped out a bunch of them and made them scream. woooo it was good fun. :)
when we got back we finished the game, but the red wings ended up losing 2-1, which sucked, but theres always next year. we went back to the bon fire after that and hung out, me and rachel talked a bunch and kyle came to chill with us for a while too. then we went back to the cabin to go to bed because of a severe lack of sleep. then when we were in there, we realized that matt and nails had went into the bathroom and we never saw them come out, so we ran over there looking like idiots, seeing if they were still there. they weren't but lindsay was so we talked to her for a few minutes about a certain someone. hahah great fun. then we crashed.

Saturday: it came way too soon. we ate breakfast and did some chores to get ready for the next day which was the first offical day of camp. it was depressing seeing everyone go. we said our goodbyes, and beka went off to see her friends so i got to chill with rachel, alexis, kyle, and wes until she made me leave. i hate goodbyes at camp. they are BY FAR the worst ever.
we ate at tijuana's which is the greatest after camp place to eat :) we hit up the goodwill where i got a pair of nike shorts, an old navy button down, and a j. crew v-neck tshirt. i love cheap clothes. when we got the t-ville we hit wally-world where i got cups, markers, and other stuff. totally campin it up. basically when i got home i just chilled out for the most part and got stoked for the next day.

Sunday: BACK TO CAMP! :) my mom and me took tim to camp that morning and ate at subway [tim's choice] so i got to see all my buddies again. :) when i got there all the guys were like 'it's hannah!' and dan was the first one to give me a hug, then kyle, then i just got stoked to see them :) well..more than i already was. i love those guys. then rachel came out :) we dropped tim off at appalatchie [dude.. i just butchered that..] he had james and gary as his counselors, which is pretty tight. james is awesome and from what i've heard gary is a character. haha
he's set for a great time. i ended up hanging out with the guys and rachel the whole time at the name-tag table. then mom said it was time to go. i was desperate not to leave so rachel convinced her to let me stay and i'd go home with her. sooooo we got to hang out until the guys had to go to their cabins, which was pretty awesome. they wrote a love note to tall socks [this crazy stalker camper who likes rachel] signing it from rachel, and rachel said she'd give it to them if they payed her 50 bucks. haha they didnt. then dan just starting drawing on people, he scribbled on rachels leg and then made it into his name, then he drew this random dot and line on both of my thumbs, i was like what the heck? but then he told me to put my hands together. it was the coolest/funniest thing ever. it make a smily face :) it cracked me up. although i thought my hands were bleeding multiple times after that. lol
when they were all gone, me and rachel helped clean up and then went to her grandparent's house and hung out there for a while. then we went to meet her mom who took me home and so i got to show rachel my house while our moms talked. she is the first one from camp to come to my house so i was stoked. camp finally came home with me! haha
she said she's be there everyday this summer. im not complaining. haha :)
oh dude. it was by far a great day, one of the best for sure.

here are a few pictures :)

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