Thursday, December 17, 2009


so that previous happiness? yea, still here.

this past week has been great.
i have gotten 2 babysitting jobs and a 3rd one on saturday.
soo happy about all these money making opportunities because last week, i was in dyer need of a way to make some money.

i finished school last week, so it's quite relaxing not really having to do anything.
although, i am still working ahead in my work because i want to get done with this coming semester as soon as possible.
think it'll happen?
i'm gunna make it.

so lets see, school and babysitting have been good..
and now..2 weeks left till i can play!!!
and the good thing about these two weeks is that they take place [well most of it] during winter break, so i don't miss out on much.
i'm gunna start running next week though, to get partially back into shape.

umm update on the week in other terms..
monday was slightly boring, but i got a lot of sewing done and some school as well.
tuesday i dont even remember what i did besides go to practice. ohh but at practice it was fun to watch. my team scrimmaged the guys team [in other words lost badly to the boys] so that was cool.
wednesday/yesterday, i went to asia's early in the morning for a pajama/movie day. then i hit up rockledge to see my game. we ended up losing 3-1. totally should have beat them though. rockledge doesn't have hardly anything anymore. i didn't get to stay for the whole thing though because i had to babysit in cocoa beach, which definitely went well.
today i babysat jonas from this morning to this afternoon then got some christmas presents and things to finish presents.
ohh yea, and had some really nice conversations. :)

christmas is coming soooo fast. seriously it's in a WEEK.
i think im ready though.
i've got almost all my presents done and ready to be given, so i feel ok about that.

welllll thats really all for now.


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