Thursday, March 11, 2010

Here I am, a hopeful rocketeer

With space exploration gear
There’s room enough for two
That’s why I’m glad I found you here! 

Oh boy. That song is just sooooo fabulous!
[And I am not exaggerating.]

Okay, so life recently has been going quite well actually.
Crazy, yes, but it's good. Like all of the things that could be blown out of proportion to make it look like it's actually quite sucky, aren't because the nice things are just too great to ignore.
You know what else is crazy? I am graduating in less than two months.
Holy cow.
I have sort of been dreading graduation because that is when it's official that I am for real in college and an adult that is supposed to be building my future. I am scared half to death about that concept.
Thankfully though, I have wonderful friends that understand my thinking process and so they know that I am worrying over nothing, and that it will soon [well hopefully at least] pass.
Until then, I am enjoying the nice things, such as:
  • My best friends.
  • Time with the family that isn't stressful. 
  • HeyHiHello!'s music :)
  • The novels written by Sarah Dessen & Dean Koontz.
  • The fact that I am not completely out of shape and I have some killer muscle in my legs. [Why, yes, I am a doofus.]
  • Chase Coy's voice. 
  • Paying attention to American Idol for Tim Urban, and Tim Urban only. 
  • Owl City!
  • My creative skills.
  • The ability to write. And I literally mean like write with a pen, random things, just writing. It's quite nice.
  • My babysitting jobs that are currently keeping me from being broke. Although I figure I'm gunna end up broke anyways. 
  • The fact that I don't feel the need to 'make a wish at 11:11'
  • My bed. Which is where I am now going to sleep. 

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