Monday, March 8, 2010

It's nice to know we're not alone.

So there are literally less than two months until graduation.
I am filled with both excitement and anxiety. I am thrilled to be able to be done with high school, but I just don't feel ready to grow up and be an adult in college quiet yet.
I know that when it comes I'll be happy and excited for the future and what it holds, but there will be that part of me that is scared for the unknown, and I really need to control that part of me so it's not such a pain.
I've decided to make a list of things that I would like to do this year, kind of like resolutions, but I'm calling them goals.

  • Get a real job. Not babysitting gigs.
  • Save up and get a nice camera to document life with.
  • Maintain my blog and flickr. 
  • Write more letters. That means snail mail.
  • Complete art projects every few weeks or so.
  • Start running/biking/some sort of exercise every day.
  • Eat healthier. That means cut down on the sugar, extremely.
  • Learn to be comfortable in my own skin. 
  • Take risks. The positive kind, that is. 
  • Be nicer to everyone.
  • Give an hour a day to someone else.
  • Bake more often. That doesn't mean just sweet and fatty baked goods, but delicious ones that aren't going to contribute to me dying young.
  • Make wiser choices with my money.
  • Actually do the things on this list.
Well, that's all for now.
Until next time,

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