Tuesday, April 6, 2010


By Chase Coy is such an incredible song.
I am so serious. Everyone needs to listen to it asap.

Uh, so life.
It's a whirlwind. Really, that's all I can say right now.
It's just so stressful with everything that is going on, like finishing up school and babysitting all the freakin time. I feel like I'm always out nowadays, even though I'm not. It just seems like I am because there's always something wearing me down. Sometimes I feel like I'm about to give up completely on everything, no matter how far I've come, it just became too much of a hassle to deal with any further. I never do give up on whatever it is that is being insane, but I get the feeling almost every day. I really am sick and tired of having to deal with that stress, and I know that soon I won't have to deal with it. But I so frustrated that soon isn't here yet. I need it here now.
Honestly, there is just too much going on in my life right now for me to handle it while feeling in control of it all. Maybe someday soon I'll be able to master that, but for now, I'm just taking everything one day at a time.

That is all for now.

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