Friday, July 9, 2010

Safe and Sound

Tomorrow is my last day at home for three weeks straight.
Sunday, early morning, I leave for camp for three freakin weeks of girls camp.
I am quite excited! I know it's going to be ridiculous with insanity going on, but I really am excited because it's camp and I feel like I can breathe there with my best friends by my side.

So a huge step in life; I am officially a college kid now.
I registered for my first classes as an official college kid yesterday.
I'm taking Comm 1, Fundamentals In Speech, General Biology, and Humanities: Ancient Through Byzantine Culture. I'm really excited to be getting four main courses that I need to complete my AA out of the way in my first semester. Not so stoked for Speech and Bio, but I'll get over that. I already feel accomplished getting those in for the fall. And, to make me sound even more accomplished, next semester I can be completely done with all my courses required for my AA except for electives. I la la love knowing that.
OH MAN. Lately I have been really reconsidering majoring in English, and I really haven't been feeling it, but yesterday while we were waiting for advisement, my mom and I were going over courses I could take next semester to fulfill my AA, and she was saying don't take this, but another course, yada yada yada.. and I came across Introduction to International Studies. I FOUND MY LIFE LONG DREAM!!!
Yea, basically I was like..well what is that good for? And mom told me that if I studied that I could study abroad [in fact, I discovered, that if you are majoring in International Studies you have to study abroad for at least one semester] which totally sent my mind into a crazy dance party in my head. Dude. I love traveling. If I could travel for my career and work in different countries.. Holy crap. It's my calling.
Like, for real.
I've decided that is exactly what I want to do. Exactly what I want to do. Ahhhh :)

OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN! And to top everything off.. I want to take German next semester so I can go to Germany eventually [hopefully with Sarah's soccer team next summer] and when I took my schedule and bill and whatnot out to dad to show him it all, I told him about me wanting to take German so I can eventually go there, and HE suggested taking it next semester with Sarah so I CAN GO TO GERMANY IN THE SUMMER!!!!!!!

Life is fabulous.

"Feeling Alright" - Rebelution

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