Friday, October 28, 2011

I Think I Was Blind Before I Met You

Ok, so anyone who has followed me, or has known me for a while, knows that I have a passion to start a non-profit organization.
The thing is..I don't know what exactly I want it to be for, or how the heck I'm gunna start it and keep it running.
That's ok though, because I have plenty of time to figure this out.
I do think it should be focused locally and obviously something I'm passionate about.. I just have to narrow it down a lot. Ha ha.
Who knows when all this is finally gunna pan out and turn into something, but it's going to happen. I know it.

On another note, life is going really well. Only a month left of school!
Oh, and I'll be twenty in one month minus one day. Crazy, crazy, crazy!

Hope all is well.


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