Monday, October 14, 2013

Why I Deleted Snapchat

I deleted Snapchat a little over a week ago.
That probably means nothing to most of you, but when you think about it, Snapchat is the newest craze in the world of social media, so deleting it would cause me to fall out of the loop that society is living in nowadays.
What a shame...Not.

The reason for such was that I got a snapchat a week ago from Saturday from a friend that I hadn't talked to in weeks. I mean, no communication at all until that "snap". What I received was regarding a personal request, and that was the last straw.
I immediately deleted Snapchat seconds later because I was so frustrated that the means of communication have dwindled to a stupid picture that disappears after 6 seconds.

I'm sick of it. That's what social media has become to us; a crutch by which we communicate. We thought breakups over text were bad enough...I wouldn't be surprised if a few premature relationships have ended over Snapchat. Or maybe friendships, or whatever.
Social media is giving us a false sense of confidence. We can say whatever we want to whomever we want whenever we want because all we have to do is shoot them a picture of food and add some text.
Why is that the way of communication?!?!?

Over the past year or so, my desire for substance has only grown stronger. I want substance in my friendships and relationships, so that leads to substance in my conversations with people. I want substance in the way I do things; the way I live.
Snapchat and text messages are so brief and convenient that there is no room for substance.
We are substituting substance for convenience and it's driving me crazy.
I need substance.
God created us to be in community with one another and with Him.
Truly being in community means taking the extra step beyond convenient and necessary, to intentional and beneficial.

God has really placed it on my heart that I am supposed to really start living intentionally this semester. I mean...I should always do so, but this is the season He is giving me to really focus on living intentionally.

Communicating through Snapchat is not intentional. It's just not.

I took a break from posting on Instagram, because,'s a sort of weakness of mine. I love taking pictures and showing people what I get to do and yadda yadda yadda...
But I realized that it was becoming a problem.
I don't want people to know what I'm doing because all they had to do was look on Instagram.
I want them to know what I'm doing because they asked me.
I want to have substantial conversations with the people I spend time with that lead to sharing my life and experiences with them, and vice versa [I want to hear about your life and your experiences!].

So, this is what I'm doing.
I'm still going to post pictures on Instagram cause it's fun, but definitely not as often as I have been.
Also, I am going to try and start blogging at least once a week, that way I have a place to put all the pictures I will take, but you're going to have to wait [or you know..have a conversation with me] to find out what I've been up to in life.
I'm keeping texting to a minimum. One, because I suck at it nowadays, and two, because I think meaningful conversations should take place on the phone or in person [on the phone because it's hard to be face to face with someone hundreds of miles away].
With that being said, I am also making it a point to call my friends who are hundreds of miles away at least once a month, but I really need to make it at least twice. I'm working on that.
I also need to realize that I can call people that are local too, but that I don't see as often as I would like.
Anddddd, I'm going to be writing letters like crazy, so get ready folks!

I'm so over the effortless relationships. If I want substantial conversations and relationships that go beyond texting, I have to start with myself, and then others will follow [hopefully..haha].

Soon, I'll get around to showing you what I've been up to [I have cool pictures to share. haha], so keep your eyes open, friends!


Anna Williams said...

1. YAY! I have a special place in my heart for girls who blog. I used to be really engaged on blogger and it was such a neat community experience. Keep it up!

2. Me and my co-workers have been discussing this topic in depth. In a nutshell, substance can be sharable. Have you ever printed your photos? There's something special about knowing they are never going to be deleted, and you can physically pass the memories on.

Hannah said...


1. Thank you! I got excited when I saw someone had commented!! Haha

2. I haven't printed photos in a long time, but it's an idea I would love to put into action!
So much truth right there. I love it!

Unknown said...

i love your heart darlin! i would love to long chat with you, swinging on your porch, sipping tea! <3

Hannah said...

Oh, Kim!
My heart loves you!
Can we, please? I would love that :)