Monday, November 19, 2007

always look on the bright side of life.

that song is hillarious.
but seriously.

tonight we played cocoa beach. they expected to killlll us.
we tied 0-0, jv tied 1-1.

jv boys i think they might have tied 0-0 or something. i dunno.
varsity killed holy trinity 4-0.

my friend got upset because whenever she does amazing she comes out.
its pretty upsetting.
but what i love about her is that we used to not talk to each other much. but now we have our own traditions. =D

my soccer team is my other family.
i ADORE them.
even though some of them annoy me half to death when they wont shut up because their are completely rude and selfish.
whatever, they'll get proved wrong. and their in the process of being so.

my family is amazing.
so much advice has come from them.
so much support as well.
without them i wouldnt be here.
that goes the same for you God.

birthday is in about 7 days now.
im happy. =]

friday i get to go shopping with my friend i havent gotten to hang out with in a while.
then i have practice, as well as tomorrow and wednesday [wed. at 8:30 in the morning. oh joy.]
saturday hopefully i'll find something to do.
im bored!

my school has made me very happy. tomorrow when i take an exam and when i finish a project im done for the week and with the first semester for all my classes. ohhhh and i'll be halfway through the second semester for one class. =D

wellllll im bored so im watching tv. and eating.

ohhhh and thanks to all who talk to me. [shannon, danielle, other people]

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