Wednesday, February 20, 2008


i watched the ultimate gift last night.
i cried. alot.
its just SUCH a GREAT movie!
i mean i knew what was gunna happen and i knew i was gunna cry.
so amazing how it seriously changes your view on life.
Jim Stovall is an amazing author.
he's blind yet see's the beauty in life.
geez he's awesome!

Tony Oller is still stuck in my head.
his music wont leave!
but im ok with that :)

i think i want to sing. like in front of people.
i just have to get over my fear of performing in front of people.
and start talking to people.
oh and learn how to sing better.
great im hopeless.
haha. well i know im not.
it just seems like that.

practice tonight woopee...
ehh maybe not.
monday wasnt great for me..
at ALL.
i felt stupid and useless and i got told i was trying to hard.
i thought it would count if i at least tried.
nah. not really.
i gotta get my ipod back so i can get through it tonight.
[mother took it because i refused to do the floor and very rebeliously talked back to her..i really need to stop that.. soon.]

oh!!! and i started a new cause.
i just REALLY REALLY hope this works out this time!!!
check it out. add it.
help with it!

well yea anyways. thats it.


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