Sunday, March 23, 2008

if you just realize what i just realized...

well things are changing thats for sure.
in fact quite a few things have changed for me.
i controlled my attitude somewhat today at lunch.. but music is what helped.
i just blasted my ipod when sarah was talking crap.
but it worked cause then i didnt hear what stupid thing she said.
then i walked around the pool and yard listening to music and i got a lot out by just thinking. then it started to get all the good things into view.
there are tons of great things in my life.
you wanna know? well too bad. their mine. haha
im just kidding.
but im not gunna post them on here.

well Happy Easter all!


Anonymous said...

"why are we possessed with possesions here on earth, go and take a look at the flowers and the birds. God is always taking care of nature's every need. How much more important in the Father's eyes are we? How much more important in the Father's eyes are we? He sees everything!"

- Sanctus Real

LOVE YOU HANNAH BANANA!! =) I'm happy to here that you're doing better!! Besides, if you're always depressed and stuff we can't be AWKWARD or do ya know..stuff. Because it's gonna be AWESOME when we hang out!! LOL

Hannah said...

o my goodness.
thats the corn pop boyz for ya. hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

haha definitely! we're so gangsta!