Friday, March 21, 2008

yea so..

i've been going to church at my mom's church. which is a catholic church.
and truthfully..i like it a whole lot better than mine.
even though its not my 'religion' i like it a lot.
and as a great lady told me..."It doesn't matter where you are, its that your there to worship God." or other wise known as Mrs. Saltsman. :)
but its true.
Its really hard to focus on the word with the atmosphere at my church. but the people at my mom's church are so much nicer. and its small so its closer.
which is another reason why i like it.
i went to church last night for Holy Thursday and that was pretty cool. my mom presented the oil for something so i was like. uhh well now people know my last name. and my mom's name.
not that it is a problem ;) haha
this afternoon i was gunna go to stations of the cross because my friend..scratch that.. my best friend is in it and wanted me to watch it. but i dont know cause of a stupid call sarah has to do. gahh!
maybe i can get her to call earlier.. i HOPE. but im still going to mass tonight for Good Friday so its ok.
i just hope i can go earlier too though.
yea and i think im definitely beginning to accept this faith a whole lot better now. even though i think the whole thing with labeling is stupid.
oh and whoever reads this and decides to talk about me behind my back because im not going to my church because i like another church with a whole lot more different things that are apart of their faith.
you can get over it right now. and tell me to my face that your doing that. because guess what?
you guys try to be great christians but your so caught up in gossip and yourself that it goes against the whole 'christian' thing.

well that is all.



Anonymous said...

i am sorry that your friends aparently aren't good christians...

i would hope that you would think more of your "friends" than to think that they would stoop so low as to judge you on what church you attend.

you believe in Jesus and that he died on the cross...what is more important then that.

Hannah said...

you make quite a point. and i apologize for sounding that way..
i do have a question..and if you can answer this it would be much appreciated. if not. o well.
here it is:
what do you do when you apologize to a friend but receive no response back? do you keep trying to get one? or just leave that frienship behind? i've been dying to figure this out.
but for now i've decided to leave this friendship alone.

Anonymous said...

if you are struggling with a friendship,
you should pray for your friend.
maybe they are still attempting to find a way to rekindle the friendship....

just love them like im sure they love you...

(hope that helped)

Hannah said...

yea. thanks