Sunday, April 27, 2008

not so great.

my brain is melting from overload.
im desperately yearning for Camp Wekiva.
I NEED it.
I was just looking at pictures from past years.
and i've been thinking about this coming summer, where i'll be a CIT.
I miss camp so much.
my LIT's were the best.
I remember the ones that i got to be best buddies with.
i miss them insanely.
i'm so sad that its not here yet, and the fact that i havent been able to get in touch with some of them.
it sucks. i really need to talk to people from camp.
they are the ones that keep me going from here.
if you guys ever read this.
please e-mail me or something.
i need to talk to someone from there.
badly. badly. badly.
i miss you guys.

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