Friday, April 11, 2008

oh right..

well i forgot to add that last week we went to 'Robin Hood' the play at the Emma Parish theater is T-ville on Wednesday. that was cool. Asia was in it and she did great as well as the improvision done by 'Robin Hood' or Josiah. freakin hillarious. he broke a window. :)
anyways.. then on friday we went to field day. it was 'survivor' themed. that was pretty fun. but i was on a team with this insanely annoying, picky, judgmental, impatient, girl. but other than that it was cool. i talked to asia about acting and apparently my mom already talked to her mom about it. but i told my mom that i wanted to act at the play, and she was like..oh really? and i said. yea. so i may get to next semester :)

theirs a class going on in the fall and asia wants me to take it with her. which could be awesomely fun :D

well i didnt really get any pictures but heres one of me and sarah.

oh and then.. tuesday we went to the stewarts and we hung out and played with katie and daniel.
heres a few pictures from then too.

well thats pretty much it.


Anonymous said...

wow those pictures are very pretty..
you are a very gifted photographer

Hannah said...

thank you :)

no offense intended. but i feel more comfortable if you left your name.