Thursday, May 8, 2008

different world

so last night was actually pretty good.
i left practice happy.
and i went to bed pretty happy.

tomorrow is sarah's team party which i am invited to because they love me :) haha
just kidding. but megan and her mom are some of the nicest people i have ever met, so they asked if i was coming and i said heck ya.
so thats what im up to tomorrow night. tomorrow im doing nothing.
then saturday theres like 823498092348 parties going on all day. not to mention indoor soccer at 9 in the morning. i actually dont mind having to play indoor at 9 cause its fun :D
and thennnnnn. well i dunno what then. but this weekend is pretty tied up.

oh right, sunday is mother's day. i havent gotten anything for my mom yet. pretty bad huh?
but dont worry im gunna get/make her something tight.

YES!!!!!!. there is 39 days until tim goes to camp andddd. i get to go! so that means i'm gunna get to see my buddies! dude i CANNOT wait!
and thennnn.. 66 days until i go to camp to be a CIT. well thats the first girls week im most likely going. i dont think i'll be going to the coed week even though i wish i could.
but the 13-19 and 20-26 is the girls weeks that are set for the CIT's well the girl CIT's.
but still.. I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!

Yay! :D

ahh i seriously need to get my license. SOON.

well thats it for now.
see ya

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