Wednesday, May 7, 2008

i need you more than you'll ever know.

im about ready to give up on life completely.
but i know im stronger than this so im gunna get through it one way or another.
im just so sick and tired of being pushed around my everyone.
i do something wrong, i get yelled at.
im not as good as everyone else, im made fun of and talked about behind my back.

im over all of this. its getting really annoying and hurtful.
i wish i could say stop and it would all stop.
but life doesnt work like that.
people dont work like that.

but dont worry.
well actually some people will have too..
cause im gunna get stronger and show you what im made of.
be ready to find out because right now you probably aren't.

on the other hand of positivity.
camp is next month! :D:D:D:D:D
i'm probably not going coed week just cause they said the girls weeks are for the CIT's. but still..
tim is going next month to the guys weeks and so as far as i know 2 of my guy friends and best guy friends are going that week and the next so i'll hopefully get to see them if im able to go drop tim off. anddddd jensen wants me to come see her when tim gets dropped off so thats a bunch of great, amazing, best friends. :)
also..state cup is in 1.5 weeks.
im so ready to go up to pensacola and get out of here for a while. im taking my ipod and laptop so i have something to do for the 8 hour drive. so hopefully there is free internet at the hotel.
oh and i lost 3 pounds last week :D:D:D:D:D
i know i've probably gained it back already. ugh.
but im gunna be trying to run at least 4 days a week starting next week cause this week is going horribly for me.
and im lifting weights. so thats pretty awesome.
im hoping to shed 10-15 pounds total.
by next month.

anyways that is all..
if you have anything to say.
leave something. thanks

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