Sunday, May 25, 2008

feels like today

time to clear things up.

  • I want to sing and dance but im too self-concious to let people see that, or do those things in front of anyone except for my younger siblings.
  • I like a boy.
  • I still havent gotten my first kiss
  • And yet to be asked out by anyone
  • Boys usually dont talk to me unless they have gotten to know me pretty well, which is about.. well just a few.
  • I dont really want to 'date' right now, but it would be nice to hang out with a guy once in a while, and have a guy best friend, because girls are so full of crap these days
  • but that doesnt mean all girls are. i do have some great friends
  • i can be very mean, but inside i feel very bad about it usually
  • i do try to be nice and fix things up, but i really dont like having my words twisted up and thought that im trying to offend anyone
  • i think it would be cool to be famous, but not too famous, like miley cyrus, i wouldnt want that kind of coverage, more like tony oller famous. he's way cool anyways
  • i am in love with david archuleta and tony oller's voices. they are heavenly
  • I get overly excited when i get a compliment about how i look, because i dont get them all that often
  • some people that actually enjoy me as a friend, surprise me because they actually like me.
  • I wish i could have a cell phone because for some stupid reason i think someone will actually call me on it.
  • right now i cant really think of anything else. but i know there will more later..

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