Friday, May 16, 2008

you make the sun shine down


1. male friends: My brothers & dan
2. female friends: maggie, sarah, cortney, and some other people
3. vacation: last year's LIT program
4. age: my current age
5. memory: so far? last summer. nothing has yet to top that. well and there is the fair. that was.. awesome


1. Hair style: 3rd grade my mom got my hair cut up to my ears. thats when the name calling started. up until..8th grade was it, i was called a boy, by my guy friend. lamo.
2. Day of the week: monday..
3. Fear: losing someone i love
4. Memory: um.. well there have been some. but i'd rather not think about them
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: how about none?


1. Person you talked on the phone with: sarah
2. Kissed: little sissy
3. Hugged: i forget
4. Email: rachel
5. IM: uhhhhhhh cortney?


1. Car: its a camery and it IS mine. i payed for it. well part of it anyways
2. First school: homeschooled
3. Job: reffing
4. Love: Chocolate! thats my current too. :)


1. What are you doing now: oh i dont know. how about this?? oh and listening to secret smile - rascal flatts. go check it out, its a great song.
2. Tonight: I will be arriving in pensacola, florida for state cup. woo hoo!
3. Wearing: Soccer t-shirt, and old navy pajama bottoms
4. where did you go?
5: Better then yesterday: um well today kinda hasnt really happened yet


1. Is: my first game in state cup
2. Got any plans: WIN!!!!!!!!
3. Goal: Win once again.
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: uhhhhhh the fact that i wont be home? i dunno. it sounds pretty good to me so far
5. Do you have work: No


1. Number: 8
2: Song: Currently: secret smile - rascal flatts, and 511 - +44
3. Color: blue
4. Season: Summer foreverest and everest [as dan would go haha]
5. State: Florida


1. Rather be: with friends
2. Have a crush: uh yeaaaaaa i do
3. Talking to any one: not right now
4. Mood: sleepish/excited/not so nervous anymore :)

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