Tuesday, May 20, 2008

take every chance you dare

well i am back from my trip to state cup.
we ended up losing all 3 of our games, but i have to say.. it was one awesome experience.
and even though we did lose. we played great for a team thats been together for only one year.
and a bonus is that my team was the first psj team so ever go to state.
how sweet is that?!
we ended up going to alabama to stay the night with aly and her mom after our second and last game on sunday, because my mom didnt want to drive all night and get home at 3 in the morning. it would have been way to stressful.
but it was really fun cause aly and her mom made us dinner, we played cards, then we watched 27 dresses and ate caramel peanut butter ice cream. so freaking good! :D haha
it was great though.

oh and friday night me and sarah went to see what happens in vegas with the flynns and everyone else that was there then.
it was really funny.

as for the games..i didnt start any of them. instead sarah did.
i know people would expect me to be jealous of her because my younger sister started and i didnt. but surprisingly im not and i wasnt. surprisingly because i thought i would be. haha
but i was actually cool with it. but i knew people were talking about me behind my back, because apparently my younger sister is better than me. o well. i was made smaller and without an amazing leg, so big woop.
well anyways.. i went for the ball in the first game and the girl that had it, turned into me and im guessing her ankle was planted the opposite way she was turning.. so she fell down and started crying. the next day i saw her with a cast on. woops. but i really didnt do anything. but i thought the ref was gunna give me a card anyways, because they are always so full of it. but im happy that one was fair. well for the most part anyways. we lost that game 4-0. the next day at 8 o clock we had our second game..sarah got knocked out by heather.. she sat on her. haha whatever. sarah was ticked. we lost that game 3-0. third and last game we played the team that was staying at our hotel so we saw them every day and some people were talking to their coach. sarah scored an own goal. hahahaha. and raquel scored for us because they're keeper totally whiffed the ball. it was freakin hillarious. they ended up winning 4-1 but hey we scored on them so we aren't that bad huh?
we went a lot of places other than to the field.
so here are some pictures..

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