Monday, June 23, 2008

stop hoping. start believing

thats my new motto.
its pretty cool huh?

alright so i used to be pretty crazy about the jonas brothers then i stopped...
well that obsession is definitely back. hahaha just ask rachel.
that quote is from joe, so that makes it even better. haha

so today/tonight was a lot of fun. :)
sarah and her siblings came over this afternoon to hang out, so me and sarah was fred, demi and selena, and two guys from how to eat fried worms dance to 'touch my body' hahahaha. it was fun.

thennnnn.. me and mom went to the mom's meeting at barnes and noble, so rachel came with her mom to hang out with me. totally fun. we went to toys r us to find camp rock toys. yea their totally lame and didnt have ANY. stupid people. then we got trapped in there.. well not really but it was raining really hard and lightning like crazy outside and the power went out like 3 times. pretty nuts. so we just wandered around for a while. and check out my new ride... hahaha

yeaa then we went to barnes and noble after rachel bought something for sick little ike. the lady was nice and walked us over with an umbrella :) so we didnt get totally soaked.
then i got a mint mocha frap which was quite delicious. but i gotta stop drinking those on an
empty stomache. i ended up feeling sick and about to hurl after that..
so thennn me and ray looked at a bunch of jonas brother magazines or a bunch with them in it.
look what we found.. hahahahah it was so much fun :)

haha the one of joe's little dude is my favorite :D
yea so that was my night. and a very good one at that!
alright well have a wonderful night..


Rachey said...

haha!!! did you like joe's butt..ons?

Hannah said...

no.. i loved them :) ahahahahahaa