Thursday, July 10, 2008

isnt it nice to know the lining is silver?

sooooo i got home from camp saturday and found my new relient k cd :) it is AMAZING.
if you dont have it, GET IT!! its such an incredible cd. incredible i tell you!
relient k is one of the bestest bands in the universal world located in this universe.

well SEEK went well, i saw some people from last year, and i met a bunch of new people as well :) in fact i got to room with jessica [we have lived with each other 3 different times now: camp, camp, and seek] which was pretty awesome. and then josh or 'jackson' from camp was there, i didnt really know him at first but he recognized me, and we got talkin about camp.
so all in all it was pretty awesome. i am sick, and i got really sick during SEEK, but i didnt let it get me down.

this is all quite scattered but o well.

2 days till camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that means 2 days till i get to see maggie, chanelle, jensen, alexis, rachel, and everyone else!!! dude im stoked beyond stoked.

you have NO idea! :)
i could seriously spend my whole summer there, and truthfully, next year except for SEEK i will be doing just that.
im gunna get certified as a lifeguard, so then i'll be able to go during boys weeks, and then be a counselor during girls weeks.
ah yea i know i already said that.
who cares?


oh and i got 6 songs from the maine's new album!!!!
relient k and the maine! how amazing is that?!?!?! seriously though.. those 2 bands are amazing sweet love.
just like wekiva. haha and both of them remind me of camp in one way or another..
quite pleasant ways too..

alright well thats it for now.


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