Wednesday, August 20, 2008

hey fay

well there is a 'tropical storm'.
yesterday when they said that it was supposed to be bad and horrible and whatever. yea it wasnt.
actually the bad stuff is finally coming now. and its 12:16 a.m.
but it's canceled school so i didnt get to go to my first class tuesday, and i cant tomorrow [well actually its today but seriously. its tomorrow for me] either.
which technically that means i dont have school, but literally i dont.
i finished up this weeks work today so im good.

man. im so bored though.
and for some reason my head is getting cluttered again.
it tends to do that a lot.
and i hate it.
there will be this one thing that is driving me insane, putting me in a down mood, but it takes forever to find out what it is. if i ever do.
right now its a mix between one thing i know is part of it. but theres this one other part.. and im not sure what it is.
geez why doesnt thinking have to be so hard to figure out?!

dangit. i was just going to do something.. but i forgot what.
GAH!! i hate it when that happens.
hmm. well i'm not really sure what else to say.
ah well i hope my head improves somewhat in the soon time for my thinking.
that'd be nice.

aiyyyyyy well i think its time to crash.
or at least get my face away from the computer.
i finished the third summer of the sisterhood today. i was gunna read the fourth book but i decided that i wasnt in the mood. so im gunna go read So Yesterday. good stuff.


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