Monday, August 18, 2008

Life Goes On

I could have said Life Sucks.
but thats not technically true. there are of course rough patches, but thats all part of it.

I got the news about.. 45 minutes ago or so..
My grandpa died.

it hurts just writing that.
I dont exactly know how to deal with this. i mean he was one of my biggest influences on life.
he was so out there and adventurous.
i know he wouldnt want me to get all depressed about this. its just the way he was. he was so amazing and nice and so giving and loving.
whenever he came to visit i always went to get him at the airport and drop him off.
i remember we dropped him off at the airport on christmas eve, that the first time i got to wear jeans to the candlelight service at church.
i think it was that christmas that i went christmas shopping for my family with him [i almost always went but still..] and we were in JC Pennys and i saw one of those canopys for a bed, i thought they were the coolest things ever. christmas morning i saw this hoop and i was like.. what in the world is this?! i thought it was a hula hoop. nah actually it was that canopy i wanted to badly. he saw how attached i was to it he bought it for me. even though it was 20 dollars and almost all my siblings gifts were a lot less than that. i felt so special. actually i always felt special when he was around. he had that to him too.
there was one birthday that he sent me a cross necklace and earrings that went with it, they were made from australian crystals. i love australia. i wish beka didnt take those earrings cause they were my favorite ones.

i was doing the dishes a little bit ago. and the song i just listened to when my dad told me.. was Sea of Faces by Kutless. when i was doing the dishes i started thinking about that song. it says 'just one in a million faces'. and i thought of my Grandpa and then i thought of my drea, .
My dream is to make it to the Olympics and swim, possibly get a medal, but make it there is my main goal. just one in a million faces is exactly what i am, but i want to make it known that i am that one in a million faces. and so that song has basically set in my head that I'm gunna get there, and it's gunna be for my grandpa because i want him to see that. i need him to see that.

Grandpa Hugo, I love and miss you so much.
I know you would have wanted the best for me, and for me to always follow my dreams.
So here I go, I'm going to do something so hard and big, but I know I will be able to do that. I mean you after all, raced motorcycles in your 70's.
You are one of my biggest heroes.
I Love You.


R.I.P. Robert Hugo

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