Sunday, August 17, 2008

To The Phelps Family

Basically, I'd like to start off with how amazed I am with Michael.
He is really an amazing swimmer, but this olympiad in Beijing really, really showed how incredibly determined he is as well.
I've been watching swimming in the Olympics for as long as I can remember, and it's the main event for me, although I have never been able to swim competitively.
I remember 4 years ago when I was watching Michael swim in Athens. I was 12 and so attached to the races that every day after I saw him swim I would go outside and swim and train myself. I told my mom that I wanted to be on a swim team, because after seeing those insane races go by and Michael be amazing in those races, I really, really wanted to be on a swim team. My mom said no because the practices would be way too early for us to function. And her having, what was it... 7 kids... yep 7 kids still at home, I knew it would be too much to ask for.
But then this year watching Michael get 8 gold medals I was in awe all over again. This time I'm 16 and even though I'm somewhat lame and I still don't have my license [don't worry.. I will soon. I hope...hahaha] I am even more determined to get involved with competitive swimming. Even though it will be a tought journey if I ever do get to go to the Olympics, which is my long time dream, I know it will be definitely worth it if..ahh exuse me.. when I make it to the Olympics. And guess what? My point of perspective here is that I'm just now starting to swim for real when I'm 16 almost 17, but that will make my journey and story all the more better.
So here it is, all rounded up...
Michael Phelps, you have really put something into my head where I now know that I can get as far as I want, as long as I believe that I can, and as long as I put as much effort in what I love and what I want. You truly are my hero. Someday [SOON] I really, realllllllllllly hope to meet you, cause that would just make my life. haha :)
Anyways, thanks so much for everything you have done in your career to reach your goals, because I know I can do the same.

-Hannah Compton

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