Friday, August 29, 2008


i am extraordinarly bored.
but i finally finished my honors project. :)
and im addicted to relient k and hawk nelson at the moment.
its kinda funny cause i kinda somewhat forgot about rock the universe [NOT after i found out i was going] and i was constantly listening to relient k. and now i get to see them in a week :D

yea well tomorrow im working at the tournament. so that should be fun.
im gunna make money so im pretty happy about that.
and man am i stoked to just get out of the house and watch some soccer action. and get money.. haha
and allllll that plus being done with school and not starting back up until tuesday. yea that sounds pretty nice to me.
but dude.. i really want my license.
i actually have been driving a lot lately. its pretty nice.
and my goal is to get it in the next two months so i'll have it by the time school soccer is here. so then i can stay for all the games if i want too, and pick up ice cream or hit target up after practice or whatever. hahahah yea thats my plan, get ice cream after soccer practice. lol
but seriously. im so excited :)

oy, but i've been thinking.. i really realllllllllllllllly wanna go to homecoming again. but i doubt im gunna get asked to go with anyone. so that might suck if i dont get invited.
and truthfully i just wanna go to space coast's. i know more people there than anywhere else.

alright well thats it for now.
i'll probably write later tonight out of boredom.
oh that reminds me.. i couldnt get to sleep until way after 2 last night. it sucked.



Jason Dowdell said...

don't forget to put sunscreen on at the tournament and hahahahaha

Hannah said...

hahaha i will :D
sarah gets to watch her games instead of playing. so she's all mad about that. hahahahahaaaaa
but she gets the cast off on tuesday.