Tuesday, September 30, 2008

waiting for this life to change. seems like its taking me forever.

wooo i love that song!!
waiting - red jumpsuit apparatus.
its great :)

oh i forgot to add that sunday at youth group we had a 'duck race' and wow.. it killed my legs. like seriously. haha
my legs have been in pain since sunday night. it feels like i got punched in them. lol

anyways.. today we had a quiz for health analysis and some stretching exercises which were pretty cool. for the sit and reach test, most people got like 11-12 i got 19.25 and 19 :) i can reach far. haha and then the shoulder rotation test i got 13 inches.
pretty cool i have to say that im that flexible.

next tuesday is midterms though. and thats kinda freaky. i mean i'll probably [hopefully!] do ok. i just hope i an A. B's aren't bad but A's are what i usually get so if I get a B.. then that kinda sucks.

tonight i have practice which should be fun. but im totally sore so that might be a huge downside.. haha

ah man.. im just so bored its not funny.
somebody come and take me somewhere for a while and i'll be happy for a while. maybe.. lol

well i guess thats it for now. so..see ya!
by the way.. Priviledged is on tonight. yay new favorite show! :D

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