Thursday, October 9, 2008

oy vei.

little did i know that coping with all the negative things was going to gain me a few really nice things in the end.
turns out i've got a job this weekend and i'll be making big money for just helping out at a soccer tournament. which is really nice, because just this weekend will pay for almost half a year [10 dollars short] for my cell phone bill.
so when my dad gets back from his trip[s] then im gunna get my cell phone so i can call my mom while im at school, which will be so very much appreciated. you dont even know.

anyways, that was awesome to hear and get the opportunity to make money.
but then.. right before my dad left this morning to go to the airport for a 9 day trip.. my mom handed me a piece of paper and told me i needed to fill it out.. it was a paper to turn in, in order to play school soccer.
in other words.. I GET TO PLAY SCHOOL SOCCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

after that i was screaming and jumping up and down :) then sarah was freakin out cause she wasnt sure she got to or not.. but she does too. lol

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