Friday, October 10, 2008

gotta be somebody

How many best friends do you have? a few.
Where were you ten minutes ago? here
Do certain songs remind you of certain people? oh yea
When is the last time you cried? dont remember
What is the last thing you used your own money for? lunch
Last person you hugged? dont remember
Is the last person you texted male or female? dont text
Would you make a good parent? i hope so
What was the first thing you saw this morning? my covers
Are you happy with your relationship status? whatever
Do you believe in second chances? yea
Who are all the texts in your inbox from? dont text
Have you ever had a best friend that was a member of the opposite sex? ehh.. close to that
What will you be doing in a hour? watching harry potter or whatever i feel like doing
Were you in a relationship two days ago? no
How often do you shower? everyday
What are you listening to right now? Gotta Be Somebody - Nickelback [incredible song]
What was the last thing you did outside? ran
Have you argued with anyone today? yea
Can you tell when something bad is gonna happen? sometimes
Would you rather have long or short hair? i dont know
Red, blue, or black pens? blue
Silver or gold? silver
What are you about to do? watch harry potter
Do you tend to wake up early or sleep in late? depends
When someone talks about you, do you get upset? not so much anymore
How different are you from three years ago? you tell me [dead serious. tell me]
Let a best friend go this year? not this year
Do you like your life? very much
Do you have a friend whose name starts with the letter x? no
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? no
Honestly, what are you sick of? right now.. not really sure
Have you ever regretted letting someone go? yea. but i've moved on from those decisions
Who was the last to sleep in your bed? me
Has someone disappointed you recently? yea
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? yes
Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? yea
Do you want to see someone this very minute? oh yes
What do you think of your number 2 on your top friends? she's freakin amazing. i love being related to her :)
Last thing to piss you off? selfishness. and the fact that some guys are just pigs.

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