Wednesday, November 12, 2008

aye aye captain

so monday we played holy trinity and should have kicked their butts right out of the stadium. too bad we only won by either 3 or 4 to 0. it stucked.
yesterday i found out that i'm a captain along with christina and amy. im pretty happy :)
today we have to go all the way to bayside to play them, then ride the bus home due to.. 'bonding time'. gay if you ask me. if we want to bond we should just have a party or something. not have to watch varsity [not that i would really have a choice anyways since sarah is on varsity. besides i like watching my few friends that are on there] so thats pretty stupid. but whatever.
then tomorrow people are being moved down and moved up, i have a few people i do NOT want moved down to jv. but we'll see what happens. then friday we have to go to satellite and play them. once again stay up late because we have to ride the bus home, but thankfully thats the last time we have to do that. but when i get home i gotta make cookies and brownies so lets see how great those taste after being cooked by an extremely tired person. haha
nah it'll be good. then the next morning [saturday] we are working at president's cup, which is the tournament for the rec teams at the field. it'll be fun. theres gunna be all these things to entertain the kids, so im stoked, because we also get to just hang out all day :)

alright well thats really all thats going on.
so chao!

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