Sunday, November 9, 2008

a little bit of chicken fried


Your Full Name? Hannah J Compton
Nicknames? Hannah Montana, Hannah Banana, Banana Hannah Face, Paper, White Out, Crash, Ligaments, many many more
Age? 16. 17 in 17 days
Birthday? nov. 27
Birthplace? Cape Canaveral
Hair color? Blonde
Eye color? Blue
Height? 5'2"
Weight? 126


Who do you live with? my family
Are you an only child? haha. try 10 siblings
Have you ever wished you were a twin ? Nah. but i've thought about if i was.
How many places have you lived? Two
Do you get along with your family? yea


Best girl friend? Christina, Sarah r, Asia, Cortney, Maggie, etc..
Best guy friend? ehh.. im not sure right now
Your childhood friend? Lindsay
Is that person still your friend? Yes! i saw her yesterday :)
Friend you go to with your problems? mmm. depends on the problem and the person.


Band? oy. Relient K, The Maine, Jimmy Eat World, Blink 182, +44, theres so many its not even funny.
Food? pasta and ceasar salad
TV show? Gossip Girl, Priviledged, and a few others
Movie? The Goonies, Goal, Chasing Liberty, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Harry Potter, theres many many more
Drink? water
Store? target
Resaurant? Olive Garden, Chili's, where there is good food and a nice atmosphere.
Place to be? Soccer Games. preferably the guy's playing, or someone interesting
Word? fugly. hahah. actually im not sure. theres a lot of words i like :)
Book? oy. there are SO many.. but right now im reading All American Girl, which is a fabulous book.
Number? 8. then 2, 4, & 21
Instrument? Piano. drums are awesome too..but i dont know how to play
Candy? Dove Dark Chocolate


Drink? yes. i drink water everyday. haha. no i don't drink.
Smoke? smoking kills. there are cooler ways to die
Do Drugs? No thank you
Like dark chocolate? BEST EVER.
Drive? somewhat
Wear makeup everyday? no
Have a job? I tutor


Snuck out of the house? Nope. never had too
Lied to your parents about something serious? probably
Have you ever self harmed? If so what caused you to start? nope.
Have you ever been hospitalized for self harm? No
Have you ever considered suicide? No
Have you ever tried to label yourself? ehh not really
Loved someone? Yea
Stolen something? i dont know. not illegally

If you had to choose between living or dying which would you choose? Living duh.
Do you feel that you made any accomplishments in your life at all? yes.
Do you like your life at all? i love it.
Do you care alot about what people think of you? uhh yea. i mean i dont want to be thought of as the retard, or the lamo, so its hard keeping up to those standards, but in the end by being myself, i somewhat succeed and guess what? i think it may just be working.. haha
What is your weakness? Chocolate & boys. big time
What are your biggest fears? Not being loved.
What is your current worry? wow.. something..
What is your favorite music to fall asleep to? peaceful music, in other words. something soft and not loud
What was the happiest moment of your life so far? there have been many. and im sure there are more to come
What is something most people don’t know about you? I drive barefoot
What is your favorite type of bubblegum? Orbit. its awesome
Have you ever made-out with a stranger? nah
Do you kiss on a first date? sure, but only if it was a good date with a good guy
Have you ever made-out with someone under hypnosis? wow. thats freakin retarded
Do you like french-fries? a little too much


What time is it? 8:49 a.m
Where are you? My house
What are you wearing? soccer tee and nike shorts
Are you warm or cold? Cold :)
Are you reading a magazine? not at the moment
What did you have for breakfast? a piece of coffee cake
What did you have for lunch? nothin yet
What did you have for dinner? not even dinner time yet
What time did you wake up? half hour ago? i dunno
What time did you go to bed? 12? havent
Where were you for the day? today just started
Did you take a nap? not yet


Who do you like/are you dating? im not telling
Are you taken, single or crushing? ha..i like someone
Have you ever kissed a guy/girl on accident? no
Have you ever gotten kissed by a guy/girl on accident? lol no


Are you in school? yes
If so high school, college or elementary? high school and college
What grade are you in? Junior


Have you done something stupid just to be with someone? no
Currently are you single or taken? Single
Are you happy with that? whatever
Where is he/she right now? school im sure

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