Thursday, December 11, 2008

forget yesterday, we'll make the great escape

so right now i don't feel so good.
i had one too many cokes and cookies today. lol

this morning i had my final exam for health analysis and improvement, and on the way there beka got me a rootbeer.
after that i came home and did some school, and what not.
then my mom and i left to go get some stuff and christmas presents, we went to lunch at quizno's and i got a dr. pepper, then i got a refill. lol anddddd i got a cookie with my sub.
then after that i had to rush to get to my game against MI. which unfortunately we lost 3-1. but hey we scored. although.. i did get elbowed in my ribs which hurt really bad, then i got punched in the other side, and got the wind knocked out of me. i couldnt breathe, and i was in pain. so therefore, i came out. but after that i went all kung-foo on them. alright not quite kung-foo, but i went crazy good on them, cause i got so mad at them. they played dirty though, and the refs sucked extra bad this time. give me a FREAKIN BREAK REF! that was a HAND BALL!!!!!! so they got a hand ball about 10-20 yards outside the box, and rachel let me shoot it. well i shot it and the girl pretty much grabbed it, and they DIDNT CALL IT. moron ref. i hope he gets hit in the face really hard.
wow im mean. o well, he kinda deserves it for being such a horrible ref in our games and our guys games. stupidddddddo.
but yea im thinking the three cokes hyped me up enough to play good with cracked ribs.
um but anyways.. i made cookies [snickerdoodle, which by the way are..amazing tasting] for a school project, and i had two.. they made me sick.
so now im sick feeling, and about to do a math test. how fun.
oh and my buddy died.
no its not a person otherwise that'd be really sad.
my ipod died. im completely upset. well somewhat anyways.
im going to send it in because it seriously is what keeps me in tact with its incredible music. sooo. therefore, im a little not happy right now.

hmm well thats all.

christmas is in 13 days, by the way.

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