Tuesday, December 16, 2008

your voice was the soundtrack of my summer

so life in general has been going pretty well.
i'm not going to say it hasn't been stressful. but it has been good.
heres a little update from last week to today...

Last Tuesday - i had my last workout day for my college class. and a game against astronaut. we ended up winning that game 4-0 which was nice. they weren't though, they slammed into my leg and i got this awesome looking dirt streak, but a leg in pain.

wednesday - practice and school, i dont remember anything exciting that day. haha

thursday - FINAL!! i feel pretty content on it. im not sure what i got, but im kinda lazy and dont feel like checking. i probably should do that.. haha. Shopping with my mom and lunch and whatnot. I got shoes for $3 for christmas. nice deal if i do say so myself. and i do say so myself. haha. Game that night against Merritt Island. they were brutal and not fun to play. i got punched in the ribs [the side i cracked] and then punched in the other side and couldnt breathe. then when i went back in i went crazy and played my hardest. we ended up losing 3-1 but hey we scored and faught hard. funny thing though.. i had 3 cokes that day and a cookie before that game and i still played great. hahah funny how that works.

friday - practice and school. i dont think that was a very eventful day either..

saturday - first i cleaned and did whatever then i went to rachels and we went to Adore 2097 which is a catholic music tour with Matt Maher [and his band!], Kelly Pease, Josh Blakesley, and Paul.. something. lol I forgot his last name. it was really cool though.

sunday - i slept over at rachel's so i helped in isaac's ccd class. that was interesting. haha..
thennnnnn beka picked me up and we went to target, then walmart out of their boredom while really i was trying my hardest to stay awake. [its nearly impossible when you have been deprived of sleep for..who even knows how long..] then we finally came home and i almost fell asleep, but then i got jerked back into reality. how fun. nottttt.
anways.. we ended up watching tv [christmas movies of course :)] and i started sewing a christmas present for someone. that was pretty much it for that busy day.

monday - we had a game against west shore, which was absolutely horrible for us.. first half we were down by 1. and they weren't even that great. i mean we should have killed them, but everyone was out of it. including me unfortunately. oh and man it was hard to breathe. let me tell ya, cracked ribs that were freshly punched less than a week ago doesn't help that matter. anyways.. we tied 1-1. andddd well school was all that was up besides that.

today - i had practice. andddd got school done! :D thats a great accomplishment by the way. lol speaking that i have been quite out of school mode, its a good thing. oh and i got sarah to finish a class tonight :) thats a great thing also.
umm. aside from that.. there realyl wasn't anything super exciting today.

but.. TOMORROW!!! i get to go to Adore 2097 again in indialantic with my buddies :)
it's gunna be awesome i have to say. like seriously.
saturday was awesome, so tomorrow will be amazing.
im stoked.

well thats all for now.


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